The China Study Book | By T. Colin Campbell & Thomas M. Campbell II

About the China Study:

This Book “The China Study By T. Colin Campbell & Thomas M. Campbell II” is The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health. In 2005, T. Colin Campbell, PhD and his son Thomas M. Campbell, MD, shared the China Project findings along with additional research with the world in The China Study.

This groundbreaking book examined the connection between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer and the source of nutritional confusion produced by powerful lobbies, government entities, and opportunistic scientists. The revised and expanded edition includes new content, statistics, research and information about the changing medical system and how patients stand to benefit from a surging interest in plant-based nutrition. The China Study is hailed as one of the most important books about diet and health ever written.

History of the China Project

In the early 1980’s, nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell, PhD of Cornell University, in partnership with researchers at Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, embarked upon one of the most comprehensive nutritional studies ever undertaken known as the China Project. Sixty five counties in rural China were selected and the dietary, lifestyle and disease characteristics of the populations of each county were compared. China at that time presented researchers with an excellent opportunity to do a study of this type because of the wide range of disease rates there, as well as some very significant dietary differences among the people.


The truly plant-based nature of the rural Chinese diet gave researchers a chance to compare plant-based diets with animal-based diets—a comparison that had not been possible in studies on Western subjects, who tended to consume diets that were (and still are) much more similar.

Research Results

Researchers found that diseases more common in Western countries clustered together. Data analyses led them to conclude that these diseases might be attributed to nutritional extravagance, while those illnesses more common in poorer areas of the world were likely owing to nutritional inadequacy and poor sanitation. Other findings highlighted distinctions in disease outcomes relative to intakes of plant vs. animal-based foods. After detailed analyses, the consistency of these results led researchers to conclude that overall, the closer people came to an all plant-based diet, the lower their risk for chronic disease.

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