World No Tobacco Day 2017| Anti Smoking Day

 World No Tobacco Day 2017| Anti Smoking Day:

“World No Tobacco Day”  is going to be celebrate on 31st May 2017. The main purpose of this day is to highlight the health and the additional risk due to the use of tobacco, and to develop effective polices to reduce the consumption of tobacco. This year the theme of World No Tobacco Day is “Tobacco-a threat to development”. Tobacco companies brings a threat to the economies and all the well being of different countries.To stop the the use of tobacco from regional level to global level from country to country. Here you will find some wallpapers to share them with your love once so that they stop smoking.

say no to smoking

World No Tobacco Day hd wallpaperQuit smoking Day

Choice is yours Don’t be too late….stop smoking

   Stop smoking ….save your life….say no to smoking


If you smoke me I will make you into ash…..World No Tobacco Day

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